
Hi, and welcome to Squirrel and Grow! 

You can call me Squirrel 🙂 I’m a medical writer/editor by day where I specialize in distilling complex info into simplified content.

I’ve taken these writing skills and applied them to personal finance to help others learn how to gain control over their money.

Over the years I’ve read dozens of personal finance books that have helped me manage debt, control my spending, and organize my finances and spending habits in a manageable way—though this wasn’t always pretty and I’ve made plenty of mistakes along the way.

In 2022, I finally took the plunge and started retirement investing.

I’m in my late 30s, and I’ve felt what many fellow elder millennials feel about retirement investing: I started too late!

And it’s true that reading Reddit threads by 22-year-olds panicked because they “only” have $200K invested can get to a girl whose networth at 38 is $50K. 

But this feeling of “being behind” is partly why I wanted to start this blog. I want to normalize realistic investing and take others on a peer-led journey through the realities of personal finance for regular people.

I’m blogging semi-anonymously under the pen name Squirrel right now since I’m sharing personal financial and career info, but this will probably change in the future.

If you like the sound of all that, please say hi!

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