There’s just something better about doing things together. In December 2022 I finally decided to start something I had been mulling over for months: starting a money club. I invited a few friends who I sometimes chatted about money with, and now about 5-7 of us (depending on who can attend each month) meet monthly at a coffee shop to discuss money topics, set goals, and check in with each other.
The conversation is semi structured; we have a topic for the day, and I loosely lead the group on the discussion as we share knowledge and ideas about each topic. I set six topics for the first six months:
- Intro, setting priorities and overall goals
- Budgeting and day-to-day money management
- Career and income
- Investments I
- Investments II
- Wrap up and sharing our thoughts and next steps
The other main thing we do is set personal goals at the end of each meeting that we need to acomplish by the next meeting. I send out the goals in a reminder email a few weeks before we meet to help people stay on track. We also share resources and links in between meetings that we find interesting or helpful.
We’ve only had two meetings so far, but it’s been a great success. I already hope it contunies after our inital six months!
In other February news
My partner and I walked around the city today and I ran into two Squirrel and Grow mascots!
And my final February thought is that I am OVER it. I can’t wait for long walks in the spring and longer brighter days. If you’re reading this, I hope you’re surviving February okay.
Happy saving,